"Guys what's the dog from Courage named again"

Names I go by + Pronouns

  • > Pronouns are she/her

  • Names I go by

  • > Glitter

  • >Gasoline

  • >Zari/Hyper (Friends call me this and tbh I dont care anymore :p)

Stuff about me!!

  • >A bi girl (minor. do not be weird.)

  • >I do art! (Mostly OCs)

  • >Very awkward with socializing and coming up with responses, I don't know how to respond to most stuff, especially vents

  • >Constantly going back and forth between messages and stuff and I get distracted very easily/ also forget to respond

  • >I don't understand most queues and people's tones

  • >I have no schedule and I'm prone to falling asleep/randomly going on a trip with my parents/literally anything

  • >I have oc lore, and if asked I will give the entire thing.

  • >Cannot hold conversation for long

Fandoms (or just thing I like)


  • >Houseki No Kuni/ Land of the Lustrous

  • > Madness Combat

  • > KinitoPET

  • >Phighting

  • >Regretavtor (i cant fucking spell)


Steam friend code:1298808293


Don't have much else uhhhhh bye